Claremorris Girls at the Aviva Rugby Festival – Saturday 21st April April 17, 2012Siobhan Jennings The Claremorris Colts mini rugby girls team will be travelling to Ashbourne Co Meath on Saturday 21st April to participate in the Aviva [...]
Claremorris Colts Rugby Activities – Weekend 2nd/3rd/4th March February 28, 2012February 28, 2012Siobhan Jennings A busy weekend of rugby faces the Claremorris Colts this coming weekend (2nd/3rd/4th March) and specifically for the u13’s who face Tuam in [...]
Cancelled – Mini Rugby Blitz in Creggs on Saturday 25th February February 22, 2012February 24, 2012Siobhan Jennings Unfortunately the blitz in Creggs has been cancelled – training will continue for all minis (U7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & U12’s) at [...]
U13 Connacht League v NUIG on Saturday 21st January January 20, 2012Siobhan Jennings The Claremorris Colts U13 team are playing NUIG in the Connacht League tomorrow Saturday 21st January with a kick-off time scheduled for 2PM. [...]
U14 League Game v Dunmore on Saturday 31st December December 29, 2011December 29, 2011Siobhan Jennings The U14 league game vs Dunmore has been scheduled for Saturday 31st December with a kick-off at 12pm. Can all players arrange their [...]
Claremorris Colts on Newstalk 106 December 22, 2011December 23, 2011Siobhan Jennings [singlepic id=157 w=320 h=240 float=left] George Hook discussed his visit to Claremorris Colts with Ivan Yates on Newstalk 106 earlier this morning (Thursday [...]
Claremorris Colts U16 League Game v Dunmore – Saturday 10th December 2011 December 8, 2011December 9, 2011Siobhan Jennings The U16 team will play Dunmore in round 5 of the league this Saturday Dec 10th. The game will take place in Ballyhaunis. [...]
Claremorris Colts Girls Mini Rugby Blitz in Galway – Saturday 10th December 2011 December 8, 2011December 9, 2011Siobhan Jennings Claremorris Colts mini rugby girls teams will travel to Galway this Saturday Dec 10th starting at 10AM – the blitz will take place [...]
Claremorris Colts Boys Mini Rugby Blitz in Sligo – Saturday 10th December 2011 December 6, 2011December 9, 2011Siobhan Jennings Claremorris Colts have organised a mini rugby blitz against Sligo this Saturday Dec 10th starting at 10AM. The blitz will take place at [...]
Mini Rugby Training Continues on Saturday 5th November November 2, 2011November 2, 2011Siobhan Jennings Mini rugby training continues for the Claremorris Colts u7, u8, u9, u10, u11 and u12 girls & boys on Saturday 5th November from [...]