U14 Fixture December 13, 2012December 15, 2012Siobhan Jennings U14 game V South Sligo this Sunday 16th in Ballyhaunis, Kick-off 10.30am. Players are to make their way to Ballyhaunis to be there [...]
U14 Fixtures December 7, 2012December 7, 2012Siobhan Jennings U14 game NUIG Rugby V Claremorris this Saturday 8th in Dangan, Galway. Kick-off 2.30pm. Players are to make their way to Dangan to [...]
Youth Rugby Fixtures November 23, 2012November 24, 2012Siobhan Jennings U13 Galwegians V Claremorris Sunday 25th in Galway, KO 11.30am. Bus leaves the Local car park at the back of the square in [...]
Youth Rugby Fixtures November 8, 2012Siobhan Jennings U17 Creggs V Claremorris this Friay 9th in Creggs, KO 7pm. The bus will leave the Local car park at 5.30pm SHARP. If [...]
Youth Rugby Fixtures November 1, 2012Siobhan Jennings U13 Tuam V Claremorris tomorrow Friday 2nd in Tuam, KO 6pm. Players are be make their way to Tuam, to be there by [...]
Youth Rugby Training October 29, 2012October 29, 2012Siobhan Jennings Youth rugby training continues tomorrow evening Tuesday on Carramore GAA pitch with the U13 & U14 teams training at 6.30pm. The U15, U16 [...]
Fixtures October 18, 2012Siobhan Jennings U13 NUIG V Claremorris this Saturday 20th in Dangan Park, KO 2pm. Bus leaves the Local car park at the back of the [...]
U13 & U14 Training Tuesday Nights September 17, 2012Siobhan Jennings U13 & U14 training for the new season continues every Tuesday on Carramore GAA pitch. Training will be on from 6.30pm until 7.30pm. [...]
U13 Training Returns September 8, 2012September 9, 2012Siobhan Jennings Our U13 team will begin training for the new season this Tuesday Sept 11th on Carramore GAA pitch. Training will be on from [...]
Youth Rugby Camp July 15, 2012July 24, 2012Siobhan Jennings Our Youth rugby camp starts tomorrow on the Convent pitch. It will be run from tomorrow until Thursday 19th from 10am-3pm daily. The [...]